Friday 13 September 2013

Living in Res/First Week of School

So...where have I been for the past, oh, ten days or so? Other than not on the blogosphere. (Man, I've always wanted to use that word. Blogosphere. Blogosphere. Blogosphere.)
Well, as you may or may not know depending how faithfully you read this blog/how clear I am when I'm posting, I am staying in residence this year at my private school. I did go to this same school last year, but this time I'm boarding there Monday-Friday.

I am a massive introvert. I do not possess what one might call "social ease", which is in my mind being able to put people at ease who you don't know well. Not being awkward in a social situation. Not eating an entire supper without saying a word while carrying out imaginary conversation with your enchilada in your head. Um, I didn't do that.

This is probably no news to you. But it should tell you that my expectation of enjoying res was pretty low. Very low. Extremely low. Why would I, a self-proclaimed anti-social people-hating socially-awkward home-loving person ever decide to abandon my home and family and journey off to a place a whole 45 minute drive from home so I could spend practically every waking minute with people who I barely know??????????????

The Answer: I don't really even know.


I could elaborate, but it would just get more confusing, so instead, onwards to how the first week actually went (or week and two days, rather).

Thursday was the registration/move in day. I arrived at around 4 with my mother and got my key. This was way too exciting for me. I love keys. I love having keys. I love locking and unlocking things. Don't ask. Anyways, to my surprise people actually seemed happy to see me and I got a few hugs (not a good surprise there, though). All of these people I hadn't seen in practically three months and now we were friends again. Weird. Anyways, after hugging it out and then transfering buttloads of stuff from the trunk of our car to my room, I got to unpacking.

My dream job would definitely be unpacking. Seriously, I love going to hotels just to unpack, fold, line up, and put away my stuff. It is an addiction. So I unpacked and moved stuff around and put stuff away to my heart's content. I have a really awesome bathroom mate who is super nice and I actually know fairly well, which is great.

After all that unpacking business, I went to supper with some of the Grade 11 gals and then wandered around the school until the opening ceremonies, which was basically the principal talking. Snoozefest.
Then I had a mod meeting (the residence at my school is organized into Mods which have six or so rooms in each of them) and met the other girls who are all very nice.

And when I went to bed, I remember thinking: "This is too good to be true. My day was way better than expected, I talked to people and it wasn't socially awkward and I'm so happy right now I just wish every day could be this good,"

And I went to bed that night in that strange place feeling happy and at peace with myself. And it was wonderful.

The rest of the week? It definitely had it's ups and downs. There were times I felt cared for, appreciated, and socially adept. There were also times I felt antisocial, lonely, and clingy. But in general? The week was far better than I'd hoped for. So I'm taking it as a success, a resounding, hearty success and I'm going to go back next week with an open mind, and a hopeful heart.

1 comment:

  1. i'm happy to know that you are doing pretty well at your school :) although i didn't switch schools, i hated every day i had to spend in mine. up until yesterday i didn't want to admit that summer was over, and i'd have to go back to the place that demanded work, expectations, and excellence. not to mention i wasn't a very social person either. i have complete strangers in 3 of my classes, so i just sit around by myself and repeat how much i hate being there in my head. but really it's pointless. i had to realize that eventually things could get better, and if they don't, then it's just a test that life's throwing at you. so basically, it gets better the longer you spend at school. hopefully there will be more great days ahead of you. :) i love reading you're blog so i'll be on the lookout for your future posts <3


Hey random person!
I'm so glad you've taken the time to tell me something. It means so much to me to know that I'm being read and heard. Thank you, thank you, thank you *Grovels*