Wednesday 21 August 2013

About Me Tag

Vital Statistics:

Place of Birth: Somewhere in Canada ;)

Zodiac Sign: Libra
Male or Female: Female

Occupation: Free as a wild bird. Except for school.
Residence: Canada, as in NOT GONNA TELL YOU. Shorry.

Screen Name: Angel/The Fledgling Angel


Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde

Hair Length: Short/Medium
Eye colour: Hazel
Best Feature: Eyes
Height: 5' 9 3/4"

Braces?: Got them off in May! Will not miss. At.All.
Glasses?: Yes, but more often I wear ma contacts to spare the world a little of my nerdiness. {Apparently that's not a word. Okay.}
Piercing: Ears

Tattoos: None.
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your 'Firsts':

First best friend: My friend C., we met when I was 2 and she was my only friend for a long time. Happily, we're still friends. Though I have more friends now.

First Award: No idea? I've been getting violin awards since I was seven or eight, so probably something like that.
First Sport You Joined: Baseball! I hate baseball. It's the most boring sport ever, but my mom put me in a little tykes baseball when I was around four. I couldn't hit to save my life, or catch for that matter. Most memorable moment was in my first game when I finally hit the ball, and hit it pretty well. Everyone was yelling at me to run home, and I, having no idea how to play baseball or what home was, starting running for my house. 
First Real Vacation: That I can remember, Mexico with my extended family.
First Concert: Faber Drive. I'm not proud, people. 
First Love: Hasn't happened as of yet.


Movie: Lord of the Rings.

TV Show: Don't really have TV, but anything food related.
Colours: Blue
Song: After the Storm, Mumford and Sons or Things That Stop Your Dreaming, Passenger OR pretty much anything U2

Candy: Coffee Crisp Bites. My addiction.
Restaurant: Meh. Not really a huge fan of most of them. 
Store: I really like American Eagle for their jeans but pretty much anything, I'm not fussy.
School: can't tell ya that!
Book: Gypsy King by Maureen Fergus is currently ma fave, but I read way too much to have just one.
Magazine: home organizing/decor. #dontjudge
Shoes: Moccasins 


Feeling: Lazy and hungry

Single or Taken: Single
Eating: Nothing
Typing: This
Online: Obviously...
Listening To: Nothing. Previously, Lana Del Ray
Thinking About: Supper. 
Wanting: To not have to dust, wash my bedding, walk my dog, and have responsibilities.
Watching: The computer screen

Wearing: Pink cut-offs and a feather tank.


Want Children?: I don't want to give birth, but I'm thinking adopting is a good way to go.

Want to be Married: Eventually.
Careers in Mind: Writer, teacher, really have no idea.
Where do you want to live?: Somewhere warm with gorgeous scenery and not too many people.

Have you ever:

Kissed a Stranger: Nope...
Had Alcohol: Apart from trying sips, no

Smoked: No, and never.
Ran Away From Home: Yes! When I was very little. 
Broken a bone: No
Got an X-ray: Nope
Broken Someone's Heart: No
Broke Up With Someone: Kind of
Cried When Someone Died: Yes
Cried At School: No ... maybe? Not in public, anyways.

Do You Believe In:

God: Yes

Miracles: Yes
Love At First sight: Not sure
Ghosts: No
Aliens: No
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: Yes
Hell: In some form
Kissing on The First Date: Would have to actually experience this to judge.
Yourself: With some things, sometimes.

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Hey random person!
I'm so glad you've taken the time to tell me something. It means so much to me to know that I'm being read and heard. Thank you, thank you, thank you *Grovels*