Wednesday 14 August 2013

So What's This All About, Again?

"This blog will document my struggles, hopefully my successes, and also my failures, as I set goals and experiment with new things on my journey to become the best I can be--and also to learn what perfect really means to me."

Exact quote from the very first post of my blog, exactly 1 month and 4 days ago {link HERE}. 

I've been reading some personal blogs lately {shoutout to Complaints of a Teenager, this blog is seriously awesome and hilarious, please read it}, and it's got me thinking a few things.

Such as:
-What does a lipstain review have to do with bettering myself?
-If this blog is for me, why am I making free printables and DIYs?
-Doesn't a "July Favourites" sound like it's for a beauty/fashion blog?

-What do I want this blog to be about, anyways?
-Shouldn't I just choose one thing to blog about?
-But isn't my personal life too boring for other people?
-Didn't I just say that this blog was for me?

I guess mostly these aren't tough questions. The answers, in order, would be "Nothing, because obviously it isn't, yes, I have no idea, maybe?, probably, and yes, idiot, you did."

When I wrote that brain dump, I felt better. Even though it's barely coherent and makes little sense, it felt good to write, to get it down, and off my mind. That's what this blog is about. It is about me, however selfish that sounds. And I guess I haven't really been keeping that in mind. Either that or I've been reading too many beauty blogs. 

That being said, those, if any of you, who follow this blog regularly may have been noting the rapid-fire changes. I have deleted the multiple tabs that used to reside at the top of my blog, because, well, I felt constrained. I will be forgoing the use of labels right now as I still am not quite sure exactly what I will be blogging about and there's no point in having thousands of labels. I'll be focusing more on my feathers and my personal life, as that's what seems to be on my mind. But if I want to blog about my favourite mascara, well then, that's what I'm going to do.

Somewhere deep inside of me, I have this desire to be heard. In reality, over the internet. I would probably like to have lots of people read and comment and tell me how great my blog is, how knowledgable I am, etc. But who am I kidding? This, right now, is just for me. And perhaps that's the way it should stay, and, either way, it hasn't felt like me blogging for the past while.

So sorry. This is not a DIY or beauty or fashion blog. At least not as of right now. 

Thanks, blog, for being here.


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Hey random person!
I'm so glad you've taken the time to tell me something. It means so much to me to know that I'm being read and heard. Thank you, thank you, thank you *Grovels*