Sunday 21 July 2013

Feather #1

It's late, very late, and I'm crouched in the bathroom to evade the gaze of my mother, but I'm updating. Yes, I survived my vacation and even had a pretty good time too. No, I still haven't put away all my stuff. It will happen. Tomorrow. Probably.
Anyways, you're probably wondering at this point: Feather #1? What does that mean? 
Or maybe you're psychic and you already know. If so, disregard the rest of this post. Actually, if you're psychic, why are you even reading this blog? Go make millions at a casino or something.
I digress.
Feather #1 is kind of like saying Goal #1. Except not, because it's "Feather" instead of "Goal". It goes with the whole fledgling thing--you know, growing my feathers. Each goal I set and complete is like a new feather, bringing me one step closer to a perfect set of wings.
What IS Feather #1, is the next question.

Feather #1: Write at least one chapter on SOMETHING every week

I decided to start with something fairly easy that I like to do. I love writing, and I used to write a lot but I haven't and I really want to start again. So this is my goal. Currently I don't really have a story idea that I'm completely in love with, but it doesn't even matter. I read The Gypsy King by Maureen Fergus and fell completely in love. With Azriel, but with the whole book too. It reminded me a lot of how I write, only a lot better. Oh, and she finished the whole book. I need to start again. Writing used to be my outlet, my talent, my pride and it gave me so much happiness. And now I feel like it's been taken from me, even if just by myself. A chapter a week isn't hard. I should easily be able to do that, if not more. But I wanted to make sure this Feather was something I could accomplish for sure. 

Expect a post about writing in the near future, oh, and wish me luck. If you're really nice to me I might even let you read some of my stories ;)


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Hey random person!
I'm so glad you've taken the time to tell me something. It means so much to me to know that I'm being read and heard. Thank you, thank you, thank you *Grovels*